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Banana & Lemon Smoothie

The 6 Day Kick-Start & Detox Plan

  • Maximise the effectiveness of your medication

  • Get amazing & last minute results fast

  • Minimum 6 days

  • Cleanse your bowel

  • Lose fat and toxic waste

  • Feel healthy, vitalised & energised

The Basic Rules

  • Go strictly organic & vegetarian

  • Avoid meat, alcohol, sugar, artificial sweeteners, bread


    No processed foods

  • 800 - 1000 calories per day

  • Wholegrains & gluten free

  • Mineral water & herbal teas unlimited

Store cupboard Essentials

  • Organic fresh apple juice

  • Organic Golden Flaxseed Flour

  • Probiotic capsules

  • Fresh lemons

  • Olive Oil & Pure Butter

  • Marigold Organic Vegetable Boullion

  • Wholegrains & gluten free

  • Bottled Mineral water & speciality herbal teas 

Blackberry and Lemon Detox
Healthy Green Smoothies


For a kick start to your day

2 heaped teaspoons of organic golden flaxseed flour mixed in 150 mls of pure organic fresh apple juice

For a more powerful colon cleanse make into a juice or smoothie using fresh pineapple, fresh lemons, grated ginger-root, super-greens powder and cucumber

Lunch & Dinner

Keeping this really simple, its soup or stew!

See 6 of each handpicked from The BBC Good Food Guide

Delicious and nutritious low calorie recipes

Have either one for lunch or dinner

Not everyone has the time to be slaving over a hot stove

So for a lunch time quick fix:- 

We recommend a warming mug or bowl of Re-nourish Soups 

follow the link below on where to purchase

Tomato Soup

Snacks & Drinks

Carrot & cucumber sticks with hummus

Small packet mixed nuts

Small packet ready salted crisps

Teas & Coffee with milk (no speciality coffees eg lattes, cappuccinos etc)

Herbal teas

Still or sparkling mineral water

Homemade Hummus
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