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The SkinnyJab Story

How one woman changed the diet industry forever

My Story

It all started on a cold, miserable morning in February 2017. I was stuck at my desk in a Manchester GP surgery, feeling very fed up, overweight, and disillusioned with life. A couple of weeks ago, my long-term boyfriend had broken up with me for another woman, leaving me truly heartbroken.


Feeling down, I decided to walk over to the next room and have a chat with my colleague and friend, the in-house pharmacist, Sarah. I casually mentioned that I wished there was a magic cure to lose weight. Sick of feeling frumpy, unattractive, and struggling with weight gain and the impending menopause, I felt like it was an impossible situation to be in.


It was at that moment that the universe seemed to provide me with some answers. The pharmacist pointed me in the direction of a new diabetes drug that had just been licensed for weight-loss. Ironically, it was on the same day I was dumped, and it felt like a sign!


The pharmacist wrote down 'Liraglutide' and suggested that I look it up. I had never heard of it, but I was determined to find out everything about it.


My first step was to obtain the drug. I thought this would be impossible, as no one knew about Saxenda at this stage. I went to a nearby pharmacy, just a minute from the surgery. They knew me well as they had close links with the medical center. The pharmacist confirmed that he could get me the prescription, and it would arrive the very next day.


The next day, during my lunch hour, I picked up my first Saxenda pen. I believe I was the first person in the UK to try this newly licensed product for weight loss.


Six weeks later, I had lost 2 stone, and I knew I had discovered something truly amazing. Not only were the results evident for all to see, but it was the easiest way to lose weight. There was no stress, no pain, and no suffering. It was a breeze, and I felt amazing!


SkinnyJab is Born

In July 2017, I unexpectedly received a call from a journalist at The Daily Mail who wrote for the Femail section. She was keen to hear about my experience with a weight loss drug and expressed interest in featuring my story.

After our conversation, a photographer, wardrobe stylist, and makeup artist arrived for a photo shoot. Two other successful patients also joined me during the shoot.

As the article was about to be published, a name was needed for the brand. Without much thought, I suggested "SkinnyJab." The article was eventually published on August 31, 2017, marking the official launch of the "SkinnyJab" brand.

I was completely unaware of the publication until the night before, when my phone and email started buzzing with alerts. The increased traffic to my website caused it to crash at one point due to the overwhelming interest.

The Global Brand

and the rest is history....

The whirlwind continued from there and the next few years were just crazy. SkinnyJab made news headlines, and was the subject of chat shows, with celebrities loving the products and wanting to be involved.


So What's Next?


​SkinnyJab has re-grouped with a brand new team

We are brimming with new  ideas and inspiration to bring a complete lifestyle and wellbeing element to the brand

SkinnyJab is not just about jabs to make you skinny, ironically that is everything we are not​!

In addition to the re-launch of SkinnyJab, We have also launched a lifestyle hub called 'Lifestyle & Me'.  where I have handpicked cosmeceutical & lifestyle products that I know work and are all available to purchase online

Its not all about losing weight, its about feeling good and when you feel good, you want to look good too

SkinnyJab will form part of a larger lifestyle brand, anything from gym-wear to hare care & cosmeceuticals to

inside celebrity top tips and of course all those Hollywood secrets

Preventative Health is the new way forward for everyone. Not only have these medications changed the diet industry, they are about to change healthcare as we know it. The NHS is already looking into using GLP-1 & GIP medications for not only diabetes prevention but for heart disease, cancer & alzheimers and many other diseases

WLO Ltd will soon be launching Prime Health Diagnostics which will be a home testing kit service with in clinic blood testing coming soon.

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Prime Health Diagnostics

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